1. P. Erdös, On the distribution function of additive functions, Ann. Math. 47 (1946), 1–20.
2. I. Katai, A remark on additive arithmetical functions, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest, Sectio Math. 10 (1967), 81–83.
3. E. Wirsing, A characterization of log n as an additive arithmetic function, Symposia Mathematica, Instituto Nationale de Alta Mathematica I V (1970).
4. I. Katai, On a problem of P. Erdös, J. Number Theory 2 (1970), 1–6.
5. E. Wirsing, Characterization of the logarithm as an additive function, Proceedings of the 1969 Summer Institute of number theory, prepared by the Amer. Math. Soc. (1971), 375–381.