1. V.P. Potapov, On holomorphic matrix functions bounded in the unit circle, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 72 (1950), 849–852.
2. M.S. Livic, On a class of linear operators in Hilbert space, Mat. Sb 9 (61) (1946), 299–262.
3. M.S. Livic, Isometric operators with equal defect index, quasiunitary operators, Mat. Sb 26 (68) (1950), 247–264.
4. M.S. Livic, On spectral resolution of nonselfadjoint linear operators, Mat. Sb 34 (76) (1954), 145–199
5. English Transl., Amer. Math. Soc. Transl. (Series 2) 5 (1957), 67–114.