1. Anon. 1794. Review of Madeline. The Critical Review, or, Annals of Literature, 2nd series, 12 (December): 472. https://hdl.handle.net/2027/hvd.hxj9t4.
2. Anon. 1795. Review of Abbey of St. Asaph. The Critical Review, or, Annals of Literature, 2nd series, 14 (July): 349. https://hdl.handle.net/2027/hvd.hxj9ta.
3. Anon. [Isabella Kelly]. 1823. Memoir of the Late Mrs. Henrietta Fordyce. London: Hurst, Robinson.
4. Blakey, Dorothy. 1939. The Minerva Press: 1790–1820. London: University Press, Oxford.
5. Brown, Susan, Patricia Clements, and Isobel Grundy, eds. 2006. “Isabella Kelly entry.” In Orlando: Women’s Writings in the British Isles from the Beginnings to the Present. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Online. http://orlando.cambridge.org/.