1. American Association of Colleges and Universities. (2018). Civic learning. Available from
2. Arendt, H. (1951/2004). The origins of totalitarianism (rev. ed.). New York: Schocken.
3. Arendt, H. (1963). Eichmann in Jerusalem: A report on the banality of evil. New York: Viking.
4. Arendt, H. (1972). Crises of the republic: Lying in politics; Civil disobedience; On violence; Thoughts on politics and revolution. New York: Harcourt Brace. Available online at
https://monoskop.orglimages/7/70/Arendt Hannah Crises of the Republic.pdf
5. Arendt, H. (1978). Life of the mind (unfinished; Ed. Mary McCarthy, two vols.). New York: Harcourt.