Dictionary Based Amharic Sentiment Lexicon Generation


Alemneh Girma Neshir,Rauber Andreas,Atnafu Solomon


Springer International Publishing

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1. Analysis of customer reviews with an improved VADER lexicon classifier;Journal of Big Data;2024-01-07

2. Impacts of Homophone Normalization on Semantic Models for Amharic;2021 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Development for Africa (ICT4DA);2021-11-22

3. Introducing Various Semantic Models for Amharic: Experimentation and Evaluation with Multiple Tasks and Datasets;Future Internet;2021-10-27

4. Topic Modeling for Amharic User Generated Texts;Information;2021-09-29

5. Meta-Learner for Amharic Sentiment Classification;Applied Sciences;2021-09-13








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