1. P. Langevin Archives:boxes 16–20, 22, 33–39, 45–47. Centre de ressources historiques, EPCI, 10 rue Vauquelin, 75005 Paris.
2. A. LANGEVIN, Paul Langevin et les Congrès de physique Solvay, La Pensée 129 (1966), pp. 3–32; 130 (1966), pp. 89–104.
3. M. Brillouin wrote the preface and notes of a French translation of L. Boltzmann Théorie cinétique des gaz, Paris, 1902
4. M.-J. NYE, Molecular Reality. A perspective on the scientific work of Jean Perrin, MacDonald, London, 1972.
5. M.-J. NYE, Sciences in the Provinces. Scientific Communities and Provincial Lead, California Press, Berkeley, 1986.