1. Attali, Jacques. 1985. Noise: The Political Economy of Music, trans. Brian Massumi. London: University of Minnesota Press.
2. Austen, Jane. 1814. Mansfield Park. 2008 edn. Oxford: Oxford World Classics.
3. Babbage, Charles. 1864. Passages from the Life of a Philosopher. London: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts & Green.
4. Baune, Victor. 1864. Letter to M.T. Bass, 4th May 1864. In Street Music in the Metropolis: Correspondence and Observations on the Existing Law and Proposed Amendments, ed. Michael T. Bass. London: John Murray.
5. Collins, Wilkie. 1860. The Woman in White. 1996 edn. Oxford: Oxford University Press.