1. Bush V (1945) Science, the endless frontier. United States Government Printing Office, Washington (DC)
2. Adams H (1976) The academic tribes. Liveright, New York (Revised ed, 1988, University of Illinois Press)
3. Bauer HH (1988) To rise above principle: the memoirs of an unreconstructed dean. University of Illinois Press, Urbana & Chicago (under the pen-name ‘Josef Martin’), Chap. 16 (2nd ed. with added material, Resource Publications [Wipf & Stock] 2012)
4. Bauer HH (1990) A dialectical discussion on the nature of disciplines and disciplinarity. Soc Epistemology 4:215–227
5. Snow CP (1959) The two cultures and the scientific revolution. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (UK)