1. Akemann, G., Byun, S.-S., Ebke, M.: Universality of the number variance in rotational invariant two-dimensional Coulomb gases. J. Stat. Phys. 190(1), Paper No. 9, 34 pp (2023)
2. Ameur, Y., Byun, S.-S.: Almost-Hermitian random matrices and bandlimited point processes, to appear in Anal. Math. Phys.. arXiv:2101.03832
3. Ameur, Y., Charlier, C., Cronvall, J., Lenells, J.: Exponential moments for disk counting statistics at the hard edge of random normal matrices. arXiv:2207.11092
4. Byun, S.-S., Charlier, C.: On the characteristic polynomial of the eigenvalue moduli of random normal matrices. arXiv:2205.04298
5. Byun, S.-S., Forrester, P.J.: Progress on the study of the Ginibre ensembles I: GinUE. arXiv:2211.16223