1. S. Asmussen, Matrix representation of ladder height distributions, to appear.
2. S. Asmussen and V. Ramaswami, Probabilistic interpretations of some duality results for the matrix paradigms in queueing theory, to appear.
3. D.M. Lucantoni and V. Ramaswami, Efficient algorithms for solving the nonlinear matrix equations arising in phase type queues, Stochastic Models 1 (1985) 29–52.
4. D.M. Lucantoni, K.S. Meier-Hellstern and M.F. Neuts, A single server queue with server vacations and a class of non-renewal arrival processes, J. Appl. Prob., to appear.
5. D.M. Lucantoni and M.F. Neuts, The batch Markovian arrival process: Examples and properties, to appear.