1. C. Chiu et al., Proc. 54th Electronic Components and Technology Conference, vol. 2 (Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, June 2004), pp. 1256–1262.
2. M. Date et al., in Ref. 1, pp. 668–674.
3. D. Henderson, “On the Question of SAC Solder Alloy-Cu Pad Solder Joint Fragility” (Presentation at Universal Instruments Consortium on SAC Solder Joint Fragility, Binghamton, NY, September 2004).
4. T. Gregorich et al., “SnNi and SnNiCu Intermetallic Compounds Found When Using SnAgCu Solders” (Presentation at the IPC/Soldertec Global 2nd International Conference on Lead Free Electronics Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2004).
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