1. An example of these important measurements includes the series of subcritical tests at the U 1a facility at the Nevada Test Site. These measurements help to describe the equation-of-state and other dynamic properties of plutonium.
2. An interstitial/vacancy pair is known collectively as a “Frenkel pair,” Calculations show that each plutonium decay results in the generation of roughly 2200 Frenkel pairs—2000 from the uranium recoil and 200 from the alpha particle itself. A more extensive account of radiation damage in plutonium is given by W.G. Wolfer, Los Alamos Science, 26 (1) (2000), p. 274.
3. J. Ellinger, J. Nucl. Mater., 12 (1964), p. 226.
4. S.S. Hecker and L.F. Timofeeva, Los Alamos Science, 26 (1) (2000), p. 244.
5. R. Jeanloz, “Science-Based Stockpile Stewardship,” Physics Today, 53 (12) (2000), pp. 44–49.