1. F. Ducastelle, Order and Phase Stability in Alloys (New York: North-Holland, 1991).
2. A. Zunger, Statics and Dynamics of Alloy Phase Transformations, ed. P.E.A. Turchi and A. Gonis, Vol. 319 of NATO Advanced Study Institute, Series B: Physics (New York: Plenum, 1994).
3. D. de Fontaine, Solid State Physics, 47 (1994), p. 33.
4. D. de Fontaine, MRS Bulletin, 21 (1996), p. 16.
5. G.M. Stocks et al., Statics and Dynamics of Alloy Phase Transformations, edited by P.E.A. Turchi and A. Gonis, Vol. 319 of NATO Advanced Study Institute, Series B: Physics (New York: Plenum, 1994).