1. F. Goldner, (Paper presented at the Nuclear Energy Advisory Committee (NEAC) Meeting, Washington, DC, 12 June 2012), http://www.ne.doe.gov/neac/Meetings/June122012/Goldner%20-%20NEAC%20Presentation%20(FINAL).pdf .
2. Idaho National Laboratory, Future Transient Testing of Advanced Fuels: Summary of the May 4–5, 2009 Transient Workshop Held at Idaho National Laboratory, INL/EXT-09-16392 (Idaho Falls, ID: Idaho National Laboratory, 2009).
3. J. Murphy, L. Nelson, and R. Zemecnik, Final Report for the Resumption of Transient Testing of Nuclear Fuel Analysis of Alternatives, INL/EXT-12-26840, 2012.
4. D.C. Crawford, A.E. Wright, R.W. Swanson, and R.E. Holtz, (Paper presented at the Proceedings of the IAEA Technical Committee Meeting on Fuel Cycle Options for LWRs and HWRs, Victoria, Canada, May 1998, IAEA-TECDOC-1122), pp. 99–109.
5. A. DeVolpi, (Paper presented at the American Nuclear Society Conference on Fast, Thermal, and Fusion Reactor Experiments, Salt Lake City, UT, 12–15 April 1982).