1. R. C. Sun and J. W. Pridgeon:Second Int. Symp. on ESR, Mellon Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, 1969.
2. M. A. Maulvault: Ph.D. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 1971.
3. A. Mitchell, J. Szekely, and J. F. Elliott:Proc. Conference on ESR, p. 3, British Iron and Steel Institute, Sheffield, England, 1973.
4. B. E. Paton, B. I. Medovar, D. A. Kozlitin, Yu. G. Emel’yanenko, Yu. A. Stenerbogen, and V. M. Baglai:ibid. p. 16.
5. A. S. Ballantyne and A. Mitchell:Ironmaking Steelmaking, 1977, no. 4, pp. 222–39.