1. V. A. Aleksandrov, Author's Abstract of Candidate's Dissertation [in Russian], Odessa Technological Institute (1967).
2. N. V. Zozulya and V. A. Karkhu, in: Heat Transfer by Convection [in Russian], Naukova Dumka, Kiev (1969).
3. N. V. Zozulya, V. P. Borovkov, and V. A. Karkhu, in: Problems in Engineering Thermophysics [in Russian], Naukova Dumka, Kiev (1968).
4. N. V. Zozulya, V. P. Borovkov, and V. A. Karkhu, Kholodil'naya Tekhn., No. 4 (1969).
5. V. N. Linetskii, Author's Abstract of Candidate's Dissertation [in Russian], Ural Polytechnical Institute, Sverdlovsk (1967).