1. E. N. DaC Andrade: Report of a Conference on Internal Strains in Solids. Proc. Phys. Soc, London (1940) 52, p. 1.
2. C. S. Barrett, G. Ansel, and R. F. Mehl: Slip Twinning and Cleavage in Iron and Silicon-Ferrite. Trans. ASM (1937) 25, p. 702.
3. N. K. Chen and R. Maddin: Observations on Cleav- age and Polygonization of Molybdenum Single Crystals. Journal of Metals (July 1951), Trans. AIME, p. 531.
4. H. J. Gough: Crystalline Structure in Relation to Failure of Metals. Proc. ASTM (1933) 33, pp. 1–101 (see especially pp. 77–83).
5. A. Opinsky and R. Smoluchowski: The Crystallographic Aspect of Slip in Body-Centered Cubic Single Crystals. Symposium on the Plastic Deformation of Crystalline Solids sponsored by the Carnegie Institute of Technology and the Department of the Navy; Office of Naval Research (May 1950).