Matulovic Mariana,Alexandre de Amorim Cleber,Vacaro de Souza Angela,Sérgio Barbosa dos Santos Paulo,Yuji Aparecido Sakata Geovane,Pulizzi Costa Guilherme,Cardozo de Almeida Douglas,Marques de Mello Jéssica
The change in the color of the vegetables peel during the ripening process is the main criterion used by the consumer to define the fruit ripeness degree and for the producer to determine the best time of harvest. This relationship between bark coloration and different maturation stages allows the producer to establish harvest planning and extend shelf life. Students and faculty of the Biosystems Engineering course at São Paulo State University (UNESP), Tupã Campus, designed and developed a low-cost prototype of a fruit sorting belt, specifically for cherry group tomatoes. In the future, improvement in machinery with the insertion of new devices such as cameras, embedded system, combines sensor technology 3.0 with machine learning 4.0.
International Journal for Innovation Education and Research
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