Innovation and intellectual property system


Silva Marina Bezerra daORCID,Camargo Maria EmíliaORCID,Santana José Ricardo de


Developing a resilient infrastructure, inclusive and sustainable industrialization and fostering innovation correspond to one of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (SDG/UN), notably the ninth. However, meeting this result, in the case of developing countries such as Brazil, seems complex, demanding a review of the organization of industrial and innovation systems. Based on that, this study analyzes the panorama of Science, Technology and Innovation in Brazil (ST&I), through indicators. Then, a conceptual framework is presented with suggestions for planning and organizing an innovation and intellectual property system. The analysis of the country's indicators revealed some important challenges in the area of ST&I, such as the need to improve the financing process and better adhesion of national companies to the system of protection of their intellectual property. Additionally, the framework presented a series of suggestive actions for the system's actors, based on 05 main functions: Regulatory, Coordination, Protection of Intellectual Property, Promotion and Production and Operationalization of Knowledge.


International Journal for Innovation Education and Research


General Medicine

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