1. Md General Practitioner Postgraduate Anesthesiology, Victoria Nohemí Chang Huang Md Anesthesiologist.
Objective: Collect scientific evidence on the factors that influence the anesthetic satisfaction of patients, through a theoretical bibliographic review.Obtain an updated compendium of studies on user satisfaction,the instruments used to measure it and the influencing factors,which will be of great use to anesthesiology services to establish the actions that contribute to increasing satisfaction and the quality of the service provided. Materials and Methods: Theoretical-descriptive review. Scientific articles were used as primary sources of information, the analysis material was collected from the following databases (secondary sources): Pubmed, Scielo, Wiley Online Library, Biomed Central. Articles on satisfaction of surgical patients in anesthesiology services were included,from 2016 to 2021. Results: 41 articles were identified, including only 20 studies. Anesthetic satisfaction in the researches consulted was high.When analyzing the factors related to satisfaction,most of the researches consulted highlight that they are various and depend on the healthcare professional,the patient and the healthcare institution.The most important factors are the side effects that patients experience after anesthesia, such as nausea and vomiting.Validated instruments such as QoR15,EVAN-G,LA-EQ,PSQ-2 or PQRS and others created for this purpose were used. Conclusion: Patient satisfaction with anesthesia is an aspect of utmost importance in the context of the quality of anesthesiology services.
Linguistics and Language,Language and Linguistics,Linguistics and Language,Education,Language and Linguistics,Cognitive Neuroscience,Linguistics and Language,Experimental and Cognitive Psychology,Language and Linguistics,Linguistics and Language,Education,Language and Linguistics,Speech and Hearing,Linguistics and Language,Language and Linguistics,Linguistics and Language,Language and Linguistics,Linguistics and Language,Sociology and Political Science,Communication,Language and Linguistics,Cultural Studies,Linguistics and Language,Linguistics and Language,Language and Linguistics,Plant Science