1. Coimbatore Medical College, The Tamil Nadu, Dr. MGR Medical University, Chennai, India
2. Coimbatore Medical College, The Tamil Nadu, Dr. MGR Medical University, Chennai, India.
11 yr old female child, admitted with history of fever, left ear pain,
swelling behind the left ear of 5 days duration, for which she was
treated by a nearby doctor. After 1 week the child had left ear
discharge, headache, neck pain, recurrent episodes of vomiting. On
general examination she is thin built, febrile, toxic and dehydrated. On
local examination she had ear discharge, swelling behind the left ear.
On neurological examination, she had neck stifness. Routine blood
investigations including, CBC, LFT, RFT were normal. On CSF
examination Protein-188 mg%,Sugar- 16 mg%,Cell count-165
cells/cumm,85% were Neutrophils. Aural swab C/S showed growth of
Klebsiella sensitive to Amikacin, Ciprooxacin, Piperacillin /
Tazobactum and Cotrimoxazole. ENT opinion was in favour of doing
Mastoidectomy. HRCT Temporal bone showed complete
opacication of external auditory canal, tympanic cavity and mastoid
air cells with a possibility of lling up with pus. MRI BRAIN showed
Left mastoid and postauricular abscess, mastoiditis, ventriculitis,
venulitis with thrombosis of left transverse and sigmoid sinuses.
Patient was treated with parenteral piperacillin tazobactum,
Ciprooxacin, Amikacin, Metronidazole, Mannitol, Dexamethasone
and Low molecular weight heparin.Patient improved in 3 weeks.Ear
discharge dried up, mastoid abscess subsided, and the child became
active and ambulant