1. P.T., Assistant Professor at AIMS Ahmedabad-3800060
2. P.T., Principal at AIMS Ahmedabad- 3800060
Osteoarthritis is a chronic degenerative disease. The major symptom of Knee Osteoarthritis Are Pain Decreased Range of Motion and Functional impairment.
The purpose of the study is to evaluate the effect of backward cycling and forward cycling in subject with Knee Osteoarthritis. The traditional protocol for treating knee osteoarthritis shows inability to treat the pain, function and range of motion at primary level of treatment. This can eradicate the drawback of generalized protocol.
The subject assessed thoroughly would be divided in three group. Group A would be given Conventional Treatment and Forward Cycling. Group B would be given Conventional Treatment and Backward Cycling. Group C would be given only Conventional Treatment. Treatment Duration for all three groups would be for 4 weeks. Then improvement would be evaluated in pain, Function and ROM by taking Post data. Then Pre-and Post data would be compared for final Conclusion.
According to the present study the alternative hypothesis is accepted and null hypothesis is rejected. Which suggest that backward cycling proves to manage the symptoms efficiently than forward cycling and single handed conventional protocols.