1. MD OBS n Gyne Associate professor GMC Jagdalpur.
2. DNB OBS n Gyne GMC Jagdalpur
Introduction: Breech presentation is commonest malpresentation, occurs in 3–4% of term deliveries. Breech presentation is a longitudinal lie of
the fetus with the caudal pole (buttock or lower extremity) occupying the lower part of the uterus and cephalic pole in the uterine fundus.
Aims: A comparative study of the perinatal mortality in breech delivery between vaginal versus C section.
Result: It was found that Antenatal work-up 1st visit was less in VD compared to LSCS which was statistically signicant and antenatal work-up
was signicantly associated with VD. Antenatal work-up last visit was less in VD compared to LSCS which was statistically signicant. In our
study, Good bishop score was more in VD compared to LSCS which was statistically signicant. We found that birth trauma was more in VD
compared to LSCS which was statistically signicant. It was found that asphyxia was more in VD compared to LSCS which was statistically
signicant. Vaginal maternal complications were more in VD compared to LSCS which was statistically signicant.
Neonate NICU admission was more in LSCS compared to VD though it was not statistically signicant. Neonate duration of NICU stay was more
in VD compared to LSCS which was statistically signicant. Poor APGAR SCORE was observed in VD compared to LSCS which was statistically
signicant. Neonate neurological morbidity was higher in VD compared to LSCS which was statistically signicant.
Neonate birth trauma was higher in VD compared to LSCS which was statistically signicant.
Conclusion: We concluded that birth trauma birth asphyxia, maternal complications, Neonate NICU admission, Neonate birth trauma and
neurological morbidity were more in VD compared to LSCS in breech presentation.