
Parmar Uvaish1,Anchalia Manjulata2,Desai Chirag3,Khiria Lakshman3


1. Resident DNB General Surgery, Apollo Hospital International Limited, Gandhinagar, Gujarat

2. Head Of Department Of General Surgery, Apollo Hospital International Limited Gandhinagar, Gujarat

3. Consultant Surgical Gastroenterology, Apollo Hospital International Limited, Gandhinagar, Gujarat


INTRODUCTION: Intestinal anastomosis is a surgical procedure to establish communication between two separated portions of the intestine. This procedure restores intestinal continuity after removal of a pathological condition affecting the bowel. Intestinal anastomosis can be performed by a hand-sewn technique using absorbable or non-absorbable sutures, mechanical stapling devices. Sutured anastomosis (hand-sewn technique) is the commonly used method. The newer stapling devices for intestinal anastomosis has provided an alternative option to perform rapid anastomosis.1 Various studies have contradictory results in terms of duration of procedure, post operative recovery and anastomotic leak. There are insufcient evidence to demonstrate superiority of either technique and more studies are needed to demonstrate the superiority of either technique. AIM MATERIAL AND METHODS:: To study and compare the effectiveness of staplers vs hand sewn anastomosis in Intestinal surgeries. A comparative observational study Consists of patients presenting with need of bowel resection and anastomosis inclusion criteria at Apollo Hospital Gandhinagar, Gujarat. The patients who are admitted for elective as well as emergency resection & anastomosis of small and large intestines for various illnesses are selected after thorough clinical examination and investigations to conrm the diagnosis co- morbid conditions. Details were recorded in the proforma prepared. : 62.5% complications in comorbid subjects and 37.5% complications in non comorbid subjects.RESULTS The mean of anastomotic time for hand sewn group was 27.8 minutes whereas for the stapler group it was 9.0 minutes mins .With respect to return of bowel sounds, mean time was 46.32 hours in the hand sewn group and 35 hours in the stapler group Mean day of hospitalization was 8.16 days in hand sewn and 7.8 days in stapler technique. mean time taken for resumption of oral feeds the was 66.96 hours in hand sewn group and was 59.52 hours in stapler group .hand sewn group had total ve complications(20%), whereas stapler group had three complications(12%) Both the groups did not have any mortality. The mean cost of hand sewn anastomosis is 717.4 Rs which is signicantly less than mean cost of stapled anastomosis which is 33,754 Rs. : Stapler anastomosis signicantly reduces operative time and time taken for return of normal bowel sounds.CONCLUSION Because of the shortened total operating time in the stapled anastomosis .There is increased risk of overall complications in patients having co- morbidities in both hand sewn and stapled anastomosis. Mechanical staplers are far more costly than suture materials. Stapling technique can be used safely and effectively


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