Introduction:Carcinoma cervix is the second most common cancer among women in India. Carcinoma cervix is associated with many risk factors
such as multi parity, early age at marriage, early age at coitus and the most important basic cause is poor socioeconomic status, illiteracy, lack of
proper self-hygiene, lack of awareness of screening programs and treatment modalities. The main objective of this study is to analyze various
outcomes following treatment of locally advanced carcinoma cervix and also to determine the causes of treatment failure so as to improve disease
free survival, progression free survival and overall survival. Materials And Methods: A retrospective study was conducted among 191 locally
advanced cervical carcinoma patients treated in the Department of Radiotherapy, Stanley Medical College and Hospital, Chennai during the period
between 2015 and 2019. Various parameters of our study included age distribution, chief complaints at presentation, histopathological types and
grades, staging, type of treatment, details of brachytherapy, response assessment and follow up. Results: Majority of them belong to stage II(50%)
followed by stage III (41%). 14 patients belong to stage IV and only 4 patients belong to stage I. Among them 102 patients (53.4%) showed
complete response and 34 patients (17.8%) showed partial response. Discussion: Most of the patients were in 4th and 5th decade which is very
close to TNCRPregistry. Stage grouping of patients is considered most signicant in assessing the outcome of the treatment wherein it was found
necessary to identify and present the symptoms at early stage to fasten the treatment and aim at complete cure. Conclusion: This study brings a
clear picture of the possible reasons for treatment failure in locally advanced cervical carcinoma and highlights necessary steps to be implemented
in improving infrastructure facilities in Government hospitals that would result in better treatment for poor patients with maximum benets.