1. Senior Resident, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Sawai Man Singh Medical College, Jaipur
2. Senior Professor, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Sawai Man Singh Medical College, Jaipur.
Background: Secondary bacterial infection is one of the most common complications in pulmonary
tuberculosis (PTB) patients. Gram negative bacteria were commonly isolated from from adults
hospitalized with secondary bacterial infection. So we conducted this study to assess the prevalence of secondary infection
caused by Pseudomonas among active pulmonary tuberculosis patients.
Materials and Method: It is a single centre hospital based observational study. 115 pulmonary tuberculosis patients aged
above 14 years, with suspicion of secondary infection clinically or having complaints of fever, productive cough, chest pain,
shortness of breath, and increased sputum purulence, inspite of taking antitubercular therapy or pulmonary tuberculosis
patients with high total leucocyte counts were included.
Results: Out of 115 samples sent for sputum pyogenic culture, approximately one fth (17.39%) were positive for Pseudomonas.
Mean age was 46.69 ± 16.40 years in our study.
Conclusion: Pseudomonas species are a major cause of secondary bacterial infection in patients with PTB on treatment.
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