1. Ex-Assistant Professor, Department of Urology, Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences (SVIMS), Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh,India.Assistant Professor, Department of Urology, Nizam’s institute of medical sciences (NIMS), Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
Background: Calculus ureteric obstruction is known to cause signicant morbidity if not intervened early. DJ stenting is
an established practise for relieving calculus ureteric obstruction.
Objectives: Analysis of risk factors predicting failure of retrograde ureteric stenting in managing patients with calculous ureteric obstruction.
Methods: This is retrospective study of cases between August 2014 and April 2015. Ninety eight patients of calculous ureteral obstruction
including 16 bilateral cases were evaluated in our study. All cases of calculous ureteric obstruction who undergone DJ stenting surgical procedure
were included in this study. Renal transplant patients, medically unt patients, previous cystectomy and diversion procedures, ureteric strictures
were excluded from this study. Data elements extracted from the records such as age, sex, stone size, degree ofhydronephrosis, and creatinine
values. Data was analyzed and Chi-square test with Yates correction was used to determine statistical signicance.
Results: We observed from our data that factors predicting failure of retrograde DJ stent insertion were large stone (>2cm), severe
hydronephrosis and high baseline creatinine levels. Statistically signicant association is noted between large stone size (> 2cm) and failure rate
(P-value .00001). After 3 months, creatinine values were normalized (<1.5) in 98 % of unilateral and 69% of bilateral cases. Creatinine values
were improved to near normal values in remaining cases.
Conclusion: We conclude that stone size>2cm, as an independent signicantly strong predictor of procedural failure. Hence, prompt and early
relief of ureteric obstruction restore renal function and reduces morbidity in patients with ureteral obstruction