
Abdul Hamed Kirembwe Rashid1,Muthanna Al-shaeri Ali Abdullah2


1. Assistant Professor, Faculty of Major Language Studies (FPBU), University Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), 71800 Nilai, Bandar Baru Nilai, Negeri Sembilan

2. Assistant Professor, Islamic University Minnesota 8201 Park Ave South Bloomington, MN 55420.


The purpose of this article is to report a quasi-experimental research on Arabic writing skills AWS for the trainee teachers. The effect of complementary approach CA on achievements of AWS for grade one Arabic as a Second Language students was investigated. The null hypothesis (Ho); there is no signicant difference at 0.05 between students' achievements in the experimental cluster and students' achievements in the control cluster when CA is used to teach AWS was tested. The Randomized Solomon Four Group Design n=100 was used. Different statistical measures were applied to analyze the data including averages, standard deviations, degrees of freedom and independent t-tests. The ndings yielded the rejection of the null hypothesis (Ho) of no signicant difference between clusters' means when CA is used to teach AWS for the sample in question at: 1-2 =19.04, t=5.223, df (48)=.000, α2, p <.05. The alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted due to the following data abstractions: integrated reading and orthography: 1-2 =11.12, t=3.955, df (48)=.000, α2, p <.05; integrated reading and essay writing: 1-2 =31.24, t=5.630, df (48)=.000, α2, p <.05; integrated listening and summary writing: 1-2 =-6.461, t=-1.246, df (48)= .220, α2, p >.05 and integrated speaking and report writing: 1-2 =40.44, t=7.823, df (48)=.000, α2, p <.05. Other than the CA strategy of integrated listening and summary writing which yielded insignicant effects, the rest of the selected CA strategies positively inuenced AWS variables in question. These ndings can be interpreted in a number of implications, including building integrative AWS curricula for the purpose of Arabic writing benchmarking and standardization. They are also applicable in terms of predicting and controlling of relevant Arabic linguistic variables for different research and practical purposes. The signicance of these ndings is also feasible with the contemporary scientic call for the diversication of communication andragogy.


World Wide Journals

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