Programme for preventing criminal motivation among juvenile delinquents
1. Kurgan State University
Introduction. At the present day, the issue of the emergence of criminal motivation as a complex integrative phenomenon, involving a hierarchy of motives driving to committing crimes of various categories, is actual. Modern society is transforming, and therefore, due to the digitalisation of society, various types of juvenile offences appear and can be modernised. All these crimes have a harmful effect on the overall social well-being of the citizens. Modern juvenile delinquency and criminal motivation as a psychological and criminological phenomenon is studied subjectively. The criminogenic potential of modern juvenile delinquents, their psychological characteristics are analysed. Methods. Different methods were used: theoretical analysis, empirical: psychodiagnostic methods for collecting empirical data - "Value orientations" by M. Rokich; "Profile of feelings in relationships" by L. Kulikov; "Diagnosis of motivational structure of personality" by V. E. Milman; "Subjective assessment of interpersonal relationships" by S. V. Dukhnovsky; "Questionnaire of interpersonal relationships" by V. Schutz in the adaptation of A. A. Rukavishnikov; "Coping strategies indicator" by D. Amirkhan; "Life style index" by Plutchik - Kellerman - Kontetev, Projective technique "TAT (Thematic Apperception Test)", "Method of Motivational Induction" by J. Nytten, author's technique "Dominant Criminal Motive". The fourcomponent structure of criminal motivation is theoretically substantiated and empirically confirmed. The author empirically proved that criminal motivation consists of four components (cognitive, individualpersonal, emotional, behavioural). The specificity of the psychological content of criminal motivation of juvenile delinquents depending on the corpus delicti was determined (Malyushina, 2023a; Malyushina, 2023b). In order to prevent the emergence of crimes, it is necessary to develop new psycho-correctional programmes with juvenile delinquents. Various aspects of juvenile criminal behaviour are considered in the problem field. The effectiveness of the programme of psychological correction of criminal motivation by means of socio-psychological training was developed and empirically confirmed. Results. The materials of the research can be used in the professional activities of investigators, juvenile inspectors, in social rehabilitation centres when working with juvenile delinquents. The results of the research can be used for advisory and educational purposes, for monitoring the state of juvenile delinquency in order to identify tendencies to the manifestation of criminal behaviour of juvenile delinquents.
Saint-Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
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