The growth of the cosmetics industry in the world has increased rapidly in recent decades. Cosmetics manufacturers face intense competitive pressure, both from halal cosmetics products and regular cosmetics products. The existence of this intense competition requires companies to be responsive to consumer needs, so companies must ensure that their product offerings are aligned with consumer demand, to encourage consumer adoption. As explanatory quantitative research, the purpose of this research is to figure out the characteristics of muslim women Generasion Z and determine the effect of Religiosity, Halal Label, Eco Label and Halal Green Perception on Customer Loyalty, both directly and indirectly. The object of this research is a Muslim women Generation Z who uses halal green cosmetics in Malang City with a total sampel of 200 respondents.The technique of collecting data using a closed questionnaire and analyzed with SmartPLS 3.0. As a result, religiosity has no significantly influence on customer loyalty, but Halal Label and Eco Label significantly affect customer loyalty. Furthermore, religiosity, halal label and eco label have a directly positive impact on halal green perceptions. It is worth noting that Halal Green Perception also indirectly plays a role by mediating between religiosity, halal label and eco label on customer loyalty. Although religiosity does not play a direct role in influencing Customer Loyalty, it does not mean that these products cannot attract Generation Z's interest. It should be noted that although the level of Religiosity of Generation Z varies, this generation can still choose halal green cosmetics based on considerations of product quality assurance such as halal label and eco label.
Center for Strategic Studies in Business and Finance SSBFNET
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